中国木雕艺术源远流长,有着“民间工艺”之称。常言道“好马配好鞍”,不管如何精湛的技艺,倘若没有好的木料,也只能是“巧妇难无米之炊”。Chinese woodcarving has a long history and is known as "folk arts". As the saying goes, "a good horse is well saddled", no matter how exquisite the skill, if there is no good wood, it can only be "a good woman can not cook without rice".
崖柏,柏科崖柏属植物,仅产于我国太行山脉以及燕山山脉和秦岭一带。起源于恐龙时代,其木材化石始于侏罗纪中期,在白垩纪曾有过鼎盛时期,拥有众多的物种。到了第三纪,该属物种大量消失。A genus of cypress and cypress, native only to the Taihang Mountains and the Yanshan and Qinling Mountains. Originating in the age of dinosaurs, the wood fossils began in the middle of the Jurassic, and during the Cretaceous heyday there were numerous species. By the Tertiary, the genus had been lost in abundance.

在悬崖石缝中的生存的崖柏,由于其生长环境极端恶劣,且饱受崖风的强力吹刮,从而形成了奇特飘逸,弯曲灵动的造型。较长的成型年份也使崖柏木质密度高,油性大,并且有着醇厚的柏木香味。这些特性都使崖柏成为了根雕和根艺的最佳材料。提升了崖柏雕刻饰品和摆件的收藏价值。Living in the crevices of cliff rock, because of its extremely harsh environment, and subjected to the strong wind blowing cliff, resulting in the formation of a strange flowing, curving and moving shape. Longer moulding years also make cypress high in wood density, large oil, and have a mellow cypress fragrance. These characteristics make the cypress the best material for root carving and root art. The collection value of carved ornaments and decorations of cypress is increased.

物以稀为贵,崖柏是一种史前活化石物种,早在几亿年前的恐龙时代就有崖柏存在。其成型年份和历史,导致其产量稀少,也随着逐渐的流失越来越少。因此崖柏也成为了文玩爱好者乐于收藏的物件儿之一。Rare is the most important thing, Cypress is a prehistoric living fossil species, dating back hundreds of millions of years to the age of dinosaurs. The years and history of its formation lead to a scarcity of production, and with it a gradual erosion of production. As a result, Cypress has also become one of the objects that literary lovers enjoy collecting.

据《本草纲目》记载,崖柏乃多寿之木,可以服食,无毒,除风湿,安五脏,长期服用,使人润泽美色,耳聪目明,不饥不老,延年益寿,润肝,养心气,润肾燥,安魂定魄,益智宁神,润泽头发。According to the "programme of this herb" records, the wood, can take food, non-toxic, apart from rheumatism, an five dirty, long-term use, make people moisten beauty, hearing and sight, not old, longevity, moisturizing liver, nourishing spirit, run-dry, calm soul, beneficial wisdom, Ning God, moistening hair.

千年崖柏浑然天成,背后是风沙的磨砺与崖柏屹立不倒的坚毅。历经岁月的洗礼,崖柏独特的天然造型、香味和纹理也是很多人喜爱的原因。而正是崖柏这一“苦行僧”的品性,从而更多的艺术家将其与禅相结合。禅让人明悟己身,崖柏正是这么一种不断思索不断成长的植物,它的成长就好比一种禅意。以崖柏来寄托禅意,以禅意来明悟己身,这不仅只是一件雕刻品,更是一件艺术品。A thousand years of bluffs and cypresses, behind the back is the wind and sand whet and bluffs stand firm. After years of baptism, the unique natural shape, fragrance and texture of cypress is also many people love the reason. And it is the character of this "ascetic", which more artists combine with Zen. Zen makes you realize yourself. The cypress is such a plant that constantly thinks about and grows. It grows like a Zen. It is not only a sculpture, but also a work of art.
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